Ivorysong: Truth Stories

The beautiful members of Magic sat around the table in the Spider, accompanied by the paladin Abaja and his love Eryawen. They had just finished a hearty meal at the inn, and were now drinking wine while discussing their plans for the following week.

Rippa, the mouse-like Ratonga, walked in the tavern and waved. 

Another Ratonga, Shinkeri waved back. "Hellos, Riipa!"

"Hellos!" Rippa smiled.

Serrest, another Ratonga and the world-famous chef of the Spider, served a table. "Heres yous ams, Ashanders.  Crayfish stews ins a sourdough breadbowls."

Ashander accepted the stew readily. "Thank you kindly."

Shinkeri said, "You missed all ofs us nots killing a darks elf, yes!"

Riipa smiled. "Ams sorries ams missins its!"

Shinkeri laughed at Riipa.

Abaja nodded.  "Also missed a visit by Jallyssa, who complained there were not enough tonga here tonight."

Ashander grinned at the chef again and tore off a piece of bread, "I'm sure I will...".

Serrest said, "Wes trys nots tos haves anythings beyonds bar brawls ins heres. Actuals stabbings ams frowneds upons."

Shinkeri said, "Theres shoulds always be mores tonga, yes!"

Riipa said, "Ams nots moppins bloods? Ams countins mees blessins!"

Ivory, sitting at the table with her family, the members of the band Magic, listened to the discussion of bloodshed and violence in the establishment. The young woman had no stomach for such things. But she knew she had to say something.

Ivory sighed. "I heard about the assassination attempt!"

Her sister Seralune blinked, "It wasn't that!"

Her other sister, Silvertune, laughed.

"Pull no steel when you brawl in here. I will remove you if you do," Abaja said. When he heard Ivory's statement, his brow raised.

Shinkeri turned towards the table, "Assassination attempt???"

Ivory nodded solemnly. "There were like assassins everywhere, jumping from the roof."

Shinkeri's brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of it.

Abaja looked at Ivory curiously.

Rippa leaned closer, "Whens!?"

Serrest was serving the Bat-tonga Xinthus, his brow raised at the story of an assassination attempt. "Heres yous boths ams....cheesecakes withs chocolates sauces."

Xinthus nodded. "Thanks again, Serrest."

Shinkeri smiled. "Thanks you, Chef, yes!"

Serrest said, "Yous ams welcomes, yeses."

Ivory leaned black in her chair, playing with her long braid. "Then the Qeynos Royal Guard showed up."

Seralune rolled her eyes. "Ivory, you listen to the third-hand rumor mill far too much."

Riipa squeaked laughter.

Ivory looked around the room, eying every entry point for possible assassins or listeners. "They were crawling out of heating vents!"

Serrest blinked.

Abaja laughed. "Rumors and gossip can be entertaining, Sera. So long as it is not taken wholly as the truth."

Ivory shook her head, completely serious. "And squealing real loud."

Seralune blinked.

Abaja said, "You know well how everything is exaggerated."

Riipa gasped.

Ivory nodded, leaning over the table. "And the royal was in here, so many assassins and the Royal Guard was holding them off."

Riipa said, "Ams thees ninjas cookies!"

Seralune said, "Here? When? Last week? We were here last week!"

Shinkeri said, "Wells, thats certainlys sounds excitings, yes"

"That is what the rumor mill says," Ivory nodded.

Shinkeri said, "Ifs nots alsos rathers impobables, heh."

Abaja said, "That's a lot of exaggeration."

Seralune rubbed her eyes.

Riipa squeaked laughter.

Serrest walked to the table, unloading a heavy tray of sweets, "Ands fors yous alls, a pairs ofs cheesecakes, ones fors carryouts, withs assorteds compotes."

"Thank you, Serrest," Silvertune said.

Serrest said, "Yous ams welcomes, ands enjoys. Yous enjoyments ofs mes cookings ams thanks enoughs."

"Oh yeah, Abaja was here too. He knows," Ivory said, staring at the paladin. "He was swinging his sword, saying, 'Here's some for you!'"

Abaja said, "The Spider does not have heating vents. We have never guested the Queen in here, and there was only one Royal Guard who turned up late."

Abaja lowered his brow, he was here last week, and met the Royal and the Royal Guard as well. He thought about it, then shook his head and returned to his wine.

Shinkeri said, "The onlys assassination atempt I know ofs thats happened heres was nothings ats alls likes thats."

Ivory smiled as the cheesecake was placed in front of her. "They crawled down the chimney, upside down. They poked their head out and hissed."

Riipa gasped. Seralune kept rubbing her eyes.

Abaja said, "Sounds like the basis for an exciting story that Drulissa would tell at the Fancy."

"It does. I need to get in on this rumor mill," Drulissa, the Storyteller, said as she took a bite of her cheesecake. Abaja chuckled at Drulissa.

The dark elf Lanyth, the mistress of erotic poems, said, "Snakemen?"

Serrest said, "Ifs thems dids thats ins mes kithchens, them woulds gets a punch ins the faces."

Shinkeri laughed at Serrest.

Eryawen said, "That or just light a fire."

Serrest said, "The fires ams alreadys lits. Ams needings tos keeps the soups warms."

"Pan. Meet face," Silvertune said. 

"Ams fires ins thees chimneys," Riipa said.

Shinkeri said, "Cookeds sakes men, yes!"

Riipa said, "Hellos, Serrrests. Ams goins fors thees crayfishes soups todays."

Serrest nodded and took the order, "Hows ams yous tonights?"

Riipa said, "Ams goods. Ans yooselfs?"

Serrest said, "Woulds yous likes thats ins a breadbowls?"

"Ams goins sourdoughs breads," Riipa nodded.

Serrest noted the order, "Mes  coulds bes betters.  Wes dos nots haves a locations fors Wrins yets, buts ams workings ons its."

Riipa said, "Ams hopins fors yoos."

Shinkeri leaned near Riipa, "Are you having the soup withs ors withouts snakes men, yes?"

Riipa squeaked laughter.

Ivory glanced at the hearth, knowing the danger that could lurk within. And also the fact that snakemen could be anywhere. She shook her head, and looked at her family, the members of Magic, and her friends. She needed to protect them and keep them safe. She had to.

Ivory sighed. "Then the Royal Guard has to evacuate her. The Royal Griffin Rider circled but could not find a place to land. Assassins in a swarm crawling over the walls like ants."

Mystaria, the mother of Seralune, Silvertune, and Ivorysong blinked, her eyes glowing, "Oh! Girls, why didn't you mention this?"

Seralune groaned. Silvertune smiled. Shizuoka, the reptilian Iskar serving tables, folded her frills back.

Abaja said, "Exactly how did I miss the "fight of our lives" here in the Spider?"

"Because it did not happen,"Seralune said.

Shinkeri said, "Wait a moment, yes - nows the snakes men are antses?"

Riipa said, "Ants ams hissins?"

Ivory nodded at the two Ratonga. "Maybe they were really sticky snake men."

Shinkeri snickered at Ivorysong.

Riipa said, "Serrests, ams ants hissins?"

"Ants?  Nots tos mes knowledges," Serrest said.

Riipa said, "Mees neithers."

Shinkeri said, "Onlys ifs you fry them ons a griddle, yes."

Serrest said, "Thats ams nots hissings, thats ams sizzlings."

Shinkeri shrugged at Serrest.

Serrest said, "Mes wills haves yous orders readys soons."

Abaja said, "Ants do not live here long; Weency makes certain of that."

Seralune covered her face.

"Still, I think the Queen might crack a smile at the story. I doubt she knows she was here last week," Abaja said, wondering where Ivory was getting her information from.

Ivory shook her head at the paladin. "So they had to fight their way up the mage tower across the way. They used the elevator, which was really slow."

Seralune said, "Only teleporters in there, Ivory."

Riipa said, "Whats ams el-ee-vay-tor?"

Ivory looed at Seralune. "The freight elevator. Secret one."

Drulissa said, "They have them in Myrrist, the library has those floating platforms that take you between levels."

Shinkeri said, "The elevator thats is soes secret it doesn'ts evens exist, yes!"

"Ams nots beens toos Myrrists," Riipa said.

"Oh! Wonderful library!" Mystaria said.

Abaja said, "Perhaps Ivory is learning to be a storyteller for the Fancy?"

Ivory sat back and stated matter-a-factly. "Hey, a lot of books in there, what is easier, teleporter or elevator?"

Seralune rubbed her eyes in pain.

Abaja said, "If you truly want to see an incredible library, then I recommend you go have a look at the library in the Vagabonds' Hall."

Drulissa said, "I am interested."

Abaja took a bite of his cheesecake and then offered one to Erya in his lap. Eryawen took the offering with a smile and a soft hum.

Ivory waved her hands in exaggeration. "So when they get to the top, they realize they left the cat back in the Spider. Can't leave without the cat. They had to fight all the way down again."

Riipa said, "Ams nots leavins thees cats."

Shinkeri started in on her chesecake as she listens to Ivory's increasingly wild story.

Ivory smiled at the room, completely serious. "So the Royal and the Royal Guard fight the way all the way back, and I think Abaja had the cat."

Abaja said, "If they try to lay hands on Pallidmortis, they'll likely find themselves missing fingers. Pallid does not allow himself to be picked up by anyone he does not know."

Seralune said, "Why didn't they take Abaja to the tower?"

"Too shinys!" Shinkeri smiled.

Ivory nodded. "So they get the cat. Yeah, that cat. Lots of fingers around."

Abaja said, "Something tells me, they did not take me as well, for fear I would charm the Queen."

Ivory turned to the others. "And why didn't they take Abaja along? Oh, he was holding up the rear."

Shinkeri said, "The cat's rear?"

"Oh! Usually, a swimsuit does that," Mystaria said.

Ivory nodded knowingly.  "No, the cat was not in heat."

Silvertune said, "We would know. Kurzou is our boss."

Seralune kept her face hidden.

Abaja said, "Male cats do not go into heat, despite whatever your boss does around all you ladies."

Shinkeri snickered at Abaja.

Xinthus said, "Think that one is always in heat, actually."

Shinkeri agreed with Xinthus.

Mystaria said, "Oh! Surprising! He is very friendly then."

Abaja said, "With the amount of women who swirl around him, I would agree with that. But if he's aiming to marry all the women around him, he's got a ways to go."

Riipa nipped over to grab a stein of Brewsmouse ale and returned to his seat, listening intently.

Ivory moved her hands around in emphasis. "Yeah, anyways, they have the cat. Assassins are swarming around in a big cloud chasing the Royal Guard and the one she is protecting."

Shinkeri looked around at the other customers and listened.

Riipa's ears twitched, following Ivory's movements.

Ivory nodded seriously.

Drulissa said, "Ants or snakes? Now they sound like bees."

"Like, snake-bees," Ivory nodded.

Eryawen said, "Men do not go into heat.. they rut for our attention." 

Abaja leaned his head down on Erya's shoulder, "I like to think something more classy than 'rut'."

Eryawen smirked at Abaja.

Serrest returned with an order, "Heres yous ams, Riipas....crayfish stews ins a sourdough breadbowls."

Riipa said, "Aams thankins yoos!"

Abaja said, "As I recall, the only one protected by the Royal Guard last week, was not a Royal, but a nobleman's daughter."

Ivory nodded at Abaja. "Ah! Yes, rumor mill is not 100% accurate you know."

Seralune said, "It doesn't even reach 1%."

Abaja nodded in agreement with Sera, "Clearly."

Silvertune said, "I think someone on the Royal Court."

Riipa lifted his spoon and lifts up his first bite. He blows around the steam rising and nibbles carefully. Riipa said, "Spices ams goods!"

Serrest said, "Anythings elses fors the moments?"

Riipa said, "Ams goods"

Shinkeri said, "Soes... we shoulds think ofs Kurzou as stuck ins a rut, yes?"

Xinthus snerked. Riipa squeaked laughter. Eryawen was about to respond to Shinkeri's question but had not responded.

Mystaria said, "Oh, he gets stuck in many!"

Ivory sat back, sipping her wine, continuing the story. "So yes, there are piles of assassins around, and then one person in the bar is like, "I am a gnomish automaton construct. I can guide the griffin down." He takes his face off, and it is a machine!"

Riipa gasped, looking around the tavern. Serrest looked over at the table and blinked.

Shinkeri said, "Nows theres is a griffin?"

Seralune ate her cheesecake, hiding her face. Abaja blinked.

Ivory nodded. "That was the one that tried to land on the mage tower, but the cat."

Riipa said, "Ams whats?"

"A gnomish automaton?  I worry for that griffin," Xinthus said.

Shinkeri agreed with Xinthus.

Serrest said, "Tongas tinkerings ams much betters."

Shinkeri agrees with Serrest and said, "Shoulds use ratonagan clockworkses ifs you want nays thats work, yes."

Ivory sighed and agreed. "But the gnomish automaton says, "I need to get to the castle to guide it down. I will crawl through the sewers."

Serrest said, "Ours works onlys blows ups whens designeds to."

"Ams explodins!" Riipa said, eyes wide.

"Oh! That was the sewer explosion last week!" Mystaria said.

"Guess the griffin never got down," Silvertune nodded.

Shinkeri said, "Wells, a gnome clockwork exploding, nows thats is plausibles, yes."

"I told you my story is plausible," Ivory said. So the Royal Guard was like, "What do we do now?"

Abaja said, "The exploding clockwork, yes, the story, not so much."

Shinkeri said, "It exploded ins the sewerses? Oh, is THATS whens the shit hit the fan, yes?"

Silvertune and Abaja laughed. Eryawen snickered and just shook her head.

"And everything else," Xinthus said.

Ivory continued. "And Abaja said. "People have come to the Spider for years. We can survive in here. We will make a plan.""

"I said that? When?" Abaja said, scratching his head.

Seralune said, "Is the rumor mill all drunk?"

Riipa said, "Shinies ams sayins thats?"

Ivory nodded at the paladin. "Last week."

Abaja said, "I have a faily good memory, I do no recall saying that last week."

Riipa was completely eating his crayfish stew and kept an eye and ear out.

Ivory nodded at him. "Well, always a chance with 'fairly' good."

Riipa squeaked laughter like a titter.

Shizouka said, "Oh! Riipa!"

Serrest said, "Mes tooks cares ofs hims, Shizoukas."

Shinkeri said, "Wells, thats is quites a story, alls rights."

Ivory continued.  "So the Royal was like, Abaja, I never knew love! Please kiss me before it is too late!"

Eryawen said, "I am just wondering why you did not share this with Kerenna and I and when did you have the time for all of this?" She laughed more.

Silvertune said, "That part is why."

Eryawen blinked a few times and put her face in her hand.

Drulissa covered her eyes as well. Seralune tried not to die laughing. Shinkeri snickered at Abaja.

Abaja sighed, "Probably because I did not know I had done all this, and I did not want to confuse anything, so I left it to Ivory to give you the entire story?"

Ivory nodded. "She is like, oh, take me, I want to know what love is! And I want you to show me!"

Riipa said, "ams thinkins ams somethins ins thees waters"

Eryawen said, "Well if some Royal is saying that sort of thing.. It seems I need to go fix a couple special love arrows."

Abaja said, "Now who said that?"

Shinkeri said, "Wells, the onlys thing I cans think to compare the accuracy ofs thats story to, yes, woulds be Reedeep's sex advice, yes."

Eryawen nodded in agreement with Shinkeri.

Riipa snerked ale.

Ivory nodded. "Told you this was likely accurate."

Serrest said, "Ivoryongs *mights* bes exaggeratings a bits. Abouts this much." Serrest held his paws as far apart as he can.

Shinkeri snickered at Serrest.

Abaja said, "So the Royal threw herself in my arms, and wanted to know what love was like?"

Silvertune sang, "It's time to bring this ship into the shore!"

Riipa said, "Reedeeps ams comins toos towns soons, yis?"

Serrest said, "Nexts weeks."

Xinthus nodded.

Serrest said, "Mes justs hopes nos ones gets two manys misconceptions froms hims this years."

Silvertune sang, "And throw away the oars, forever!"

Eryawen said, "That bit would be able to circle this town a couple of times""

Abaja said, "Does the Royal know?"

Ivory continued. "And the Royal guard, who was also hot, was like, 'Ugh, why does she get all the love? For I may wear armor, but I have guarded my heart for far too long! I shall sacrifice myself, to never know love, to never know the passion of a sweet kiss, so you may!'"

Lanyth said, "I could take it from here, but it would get strange."

Seralune rubbed her eyes. Abaja said, "You look tired, Sera. Not getting enough sleep?"

Seralune said, "No. Just not enough truth."

Shinkeri  said to Serrest, "Heh. Ifs Reedeep takes his owns advice, yes, MISconceptionses wills be the onlys kind ofs conception he evers causes, yes."

Abaja said, "Then perhaps you should remind the gossip group about being proper in respect to the Royal? I am so often exaggerated about, I am used to it. Especially when it comes to things I supposedly have done and said."

Ivory nodded at the paladin. "This story is properly respectful to the people it actually happened to."

Seralune said, "Which is a number close to zero."

Riipa said, "Ams certains."

Shinkeri said, "Closes to zero froms the lows side, yes."

Eryawen said, "And this "royal" is she married? Or ever been married?"

Ivory nodded at Eryawen. "She has a daughter. Um. Two?"

Silvertune smiled innocently and said, "Two."

Eryawen said, "Because royal women do not go around throwing themselves at married men that is not proper."

Shinkeri (who was from Neriak) choked on her cheesecake at this assessment of royal behavior.

Abaja said, "And I have made no secret about being married."

Shinkeri kept coughing.

Serrest said, "Ats leasts, nos ins this citys."

Shinkeri swallowed with difficulty.

Ivory looked to Silver. "Well, you know. Silver? She married?"

Abaja said, "Not that I am aware of."

Shinkeri gasped, "Ughs!" Shinkeri wiped her eyes.

Silvertune said, "No. Not much was said. I would not wish to spread rumors."

Seralune said, "Like ...like ...Ivory?"

Ivory pointed at her sister.  "Hey. This is the rumor mill. Not spreading rumors. This is official rumor mill information."

Shinkeri gasped and laughed at Ivory.

Abaja chuckled at the lot of them.

Seralune sighed.

Eryawen said, "But Ivory by tellng us you are spreading the rumor! Everyone in this tavern now knows it!"

Ivory smiled at her. "They would have to verify it with official rumor mill sources. It would not be right to spread rumors from this information since that would be secondhand."

Eryawen slapped her own face and shook her head as she stopped to look up to Abaja.

Abaja said, "Might I suggest next time you write all this down Ivory? That way, you get the story correct, and when you turn it into a book later, you can get paid for well-written fiction."

Ivory nodded. "So only trust official rumor mill sources, not wild rumors."

Lanyth said, "I can help transcribe."

Ivory bounded.  "Oh! Nice! I need to capture all the good parts."

Lanyth said, "I write a lot of good parts."

Drulissa blinked.

Abaja said, "I do have one request, however. Should you Dru, and Lanyth ever write a book together, I would love a copy. Written on fireproof paper of course."

Eryawen blinked looking up at Abaja.

Lanyth said, "And she looked longingly into Abaja's eyes, the desire coming in a furtive glance, her lips slowly parting, mind wandering between the ifs and could, as her heart beat faster..."

Xinthus said, "Pretty sure Serran would want a copy for his library as well."

Riipa said, "Ams certains!"

Eryawen said, "Then a firey arrow darts in through the open window."

Lanyth said, "Oh, strong knight, if this is our last moment in each other's arms, let this moment be a glorious celebration of love and our passions, forever burning like stars in the sky."

Silvertune said, "How did it end?"

Lanyth said, "My story or hers?"

Riipa said, "Ams dreams!"

Ivory looked at Silver. "You were here Silver, stop trying to trick me."

Riipa squeaked laughter.

Silvertune said, "Didn't I want love? I would want love too."

Eryawen said, "The arrow finding its mark and she disappears into a flash of light never having really ever been real."

Ivory looked at Silver. "I am getting to your part."

Lanyth said, "I will write it."

Drulissa blinked.

Ivory nodded. "Oh, that's coming."

Lanyth nodded, "That is in my story too."

Silvertune said, "Sera? When all this happened last week, did you want love too?"

Seralune pinched the bridge of her nose and stared at Silver.

Silvertune sang her sappy love song, strumming on her lute, smiling at her sister. Sera stared at her in disbelief.

Abaja chuckled, and noted all the empty plates, dug into his belt and pulled out plenty of coin, paying for all food, drinks, and a healthy tip for the service, and deposited a number of gold pieces on the table.

Mystaria said, "Oh! Such good stories!"

Ivory nodded. "Truth stories."


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