Two and One: Chapter Three

Grakdar was a tracker who was good at following game trails and animal paths. His keen nose helped him to identify the different types of creatures in the area.

Grakdar was also an orc, and he had a knack for fighting.

But demons were not something he wanted to fight.

As Grakdar trudged along the forest floor, carrying Hope in his arms, he tried not to think about the demons.

He tried not to think about how strong they were, how fast they were, and how much damage they could inflict.

He tried not to think about their claws, fangs, and razor-sharp horns.

But the images of his slain wife and son returned to him, and the pain in his heart was almost unbearable.

He couldn't stop thinking about the demons.

But he kept moving.

Grakdar followed the trail of the creatures fleeing the area. He knew the animals were running for their lives and hoped he would find safety if he followed their path.

Grakdar looked over his shoulder. Laira followed him, keeping up as best she could. She was a priestess of the Elven Order of the Great Tree, and her healing skills were invaluable. But he hated being touched by elven magic, especially the divine. He didn't want to rely on them but knew he had to.

He felt the pain in his soul.

The demons were drawing nearer.

"How far do we have to go?" Laira asked.

Grakdar kept walking. "Not far."

"What will we do when we get there?"

"We'll find a safe place to hide. Then, we'll figure out what to do next."

"Can we make it?"

"I hope so."

Grakdar didn't know how far the demons were behind him, but he knew they were getting closer. He had to keep moving. He wanted to climb a hill and get the lay of the land but knew he would tire out Laira since the slopes here were steep and treacherous, and it would take them time they may not have. The distance was their best hope for staying alive.

Hope was awake but still too exhausted to walk.

"Put me down," Hope said.

Grakdar ignored her.

"Please," she begged.

"You can't walk yet. I'm not letting you fall."

"I can walk," Hope said.

Grakdar stopped, turned to the elf, and gently placed her on the ground.

She wobbled.

Grakdar snorted.

"I'm fine," she insisted.

"Fine," Grakdar replied, turning to continue following the trail.

Hope walked slowly, her feet unsteady.

"Are you sure you can walk?" Laira asked.

Hope nodded, but she didn't look too sure.

"We have to keep moving," Grakdar said.

"I can move faster," Hope insisted. "I need to think. Magic will be our only way out of this."

Grakdar snorted. "Heh. Not likely. Your magic will be the death of us."

"I killed those demons," Hope said.

"It was a fluke. Your magic is uncontrolled. You will explode the magic and kill us."

Hope shook her head. "I won't."

"You already did," Grakdar said. "Now, you will not use the magic unless I tell you to. It is too dangerous. And don't argue with me."

"You don't have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do, Orc," Hope said.

Grakdar stopped and closed his eyes. "I could always leave you two behind."

"You won't," Hope said.

"You are so sure?" Grakdar replied.

"Yes. You are a warrior. Warriors do not abandon their companions. You may hate me, but you won't leave me."

Grakdar shook his head and kept walking.

The demons were getting closer.

Grakdar could feel them.

He could smell them.

He could hear them.

They were hunting them.

He knew they were hunting them.

"Look," Laira said, pointing at a series of moss-covered mounds hidden in the woods, "burial mounds."

"Yes," Grakdar said.

"We should dig one open and hide in there. They will not be able to find us."

Grakdar stopped and looked around. "Do you want to awaken the dead? Anger spirits? You don't know what is in those mounds!"

Laira shook her head. "Elven burial mounds. Cairns. There are chambers there detailing life histories. We could hide there a while, and nothing would ever find us."

Grakdar signed. "I am not some tomb robber of Elven burial grounds! Do you know what those spirits shall do to me? A banshee will appear and rip my face off!"

"It is better than dying to demons," Laira insisted.

"I do not trust your kind. And I will not disturb the dead."

"Please," Hope pleaded, nearly breaking Grakdar's heart. "These are our ancestors. They won't bring harm to you if I say so."

Grakdar looked at her. "If you two will shut up, I'll take a look. But I won't guarantee anything."

"Thank you," Hope said, her eyes pleading with him.

Grakdar couldn't help but smile. "You two are too stubborn, just like my wife. It was always about what she wanted. Always. Stubborn woman."

Laira and Hope glanced at each other.

Grakdar sniffed the air. The stench of demons was powerful. "This way," he said, leading the group to the largest mound.

"There should be an entrance over here," Laira said.

Hope pointed. "I see it."

They hurried to the doorway and found it covered with stones and dirt.

"You two dig," Grakdar said. "I'll watch for demons."

Laira and Hope began digging away at the stone and dirt blocking the door.

Grakdar heard a scream.

"Keep digging," Grakdar said, grabbing his bow and nocking an arrow.

"I see the light!" Laira shouted, and she kept digging, her fingers digging into the loose dirt and throwing it aside.

"Hurry," Grakdar said.

"Come out, little orc!" the demon growled, echoing through the forest.

Grakdar could smell it, and he could hear it.

"Little orcs are my favorite. I like to eat their eyes."

The demon was close.

"I can see the door," Hope shouted, and she threw the dirt away from the opening.

Grakdar could hear the demon's footsteps.

"Hurry," Grakdar urged, and he stepped forward, his bow held ready.

"I'll find you, little orcs!" the demon hissed.

The demon's footsteps were getting closer.

"We can't get it open!" Laira cried, and she continued to dig.

"Damn," Grakdar said, and he drew his arrow.

"There," Hope said, pushing the stones and dirt away and clearing the entrance.

Grakdar could smell the demon's foul breath.

"Little orcs," the demon whispered. "I'm coming."

"Inside, now!" Grakdar ordered, and he fired the arrow.

The arrow hit the demon in the chest, sending it stumbling backward.

"Damn!" Grakdar shouted, and he fired another arrow.

The arrow missed the demon, but it landed close enough that the creature backed away.

"Run!" Grakdar shouted.

Laira and Hope ran inside the mound.

Grakdar fired one more arrow, and the demon screamed as it flew.

Grakdar ran towards the mound, firing arrows as he went.

The demon snarled and clawed in the air.

"You will die, orc," the demon said.

Grakdar didn't respond.

He ran inside the mound, and the darkness enveloped him.


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