Layth: The Bath

When I see her, I imagine sitting across from her in a classy bathtub, the type which stands on four legs and two can share. I am the dark elf, and she is the human female with deliciously blonde hair. The tub has an elegant faucet and spout, with flowers floating about. We've been chatting for some time now, but she has something vital to say. She's looking me straight in the eyes and hesitating before opening her mouth—and I know just what she wants to say. "I love you," she tells me. And then I would reply, as the dark elf: "And I love you more."

She plays in the water, her fair-skinned foot brushing the skin between my breasts, teasing, and touching them with her toes lost to the suds and hot water. I am aroused yet ashamed at how deeply she affects me. My fingers twitch, and I must resist the urge to cover myself with a towel. She sees this; she knows all too well how much I desire her. But although I'm still embarrassed about my feelings, I am not afraid of expressing them. After all, there is no one else for whom I would give up my passions so easily.

I run my dusk-blue foot across her shoulder, teasing her back as we stare, daring each other to go further. Her eyes close, and she sighs. She knows that I will be the first to move. It is a game we play; it is our way of letting go of worldly cares. Ultimately, it always ends with us entwined together, naked and gasping, in the warm embrace of the night.

I stroke the smooth flesh of her shoulder with my wet toes, and her eyes trace up my leg, to the water, and she dares take a peek underneath at my supple blue flower of lust. I giggle at her coyness, and she leans closer still, her lips almost upon mine.

I caress her cheek, tracing the contours with my fingertips. She pulls away slightly; she wishes to tease me now rather than give in and kiss me. A nervous smile crosses her face as she sinks back into the tub, letting her feet slip deeper beneath the water's surface. Her large breasts are glorious with how the bubbles cling to them and tease sliding down her skin. I wish to touch them, rub them against each other, and squeeze them in my hands. Instead, I stroked the nape of her neck and let my fingers trail down the long line of her spine.

Her eyes open wide, but she smiles in response to my caresses. I know she does not find any of these very strange. What could be more natural than to love another? The world is filled with people, after all, and many of those people have lovers. Why should I hesitate over such a thing when she loves me in return?

We are silent for a moment.

She slides her foot down my chest, under the water, onto my stomach, and dares to go down further still. I gasped loudly, unable to stop myself from reaching out and grabbing hold of her ankle. She giggles at my reaction, and I release her leg to allow her to continue. Soon, toes caress my navel under the water in a thrilling stroke of skin on skin, and she gives me a naughty look. I know exactly what she wants. Without waiting for my permission, she slips her foot lower until her toes stroke my most sensitive places.

I gasp as her toes brush me gently, moaning in my pleasure as my breasts break the water’s surface and steam rises from each. She teases me as they bob above the surface, feeling my body with her feet. I have never known anything like this before. There is something magical about it, something perfect and right.

I have been with many men and women—although I prefer to consider them friends. They are diverse, and each brings their unique talents to the bedroom. But she is different. She understands me in ways that none of the others ever could, and she loves me despite all my flaws. And I love her in the same way, even though she is far too beautiful to deserve such affection.

She must know that I find her so attractive. That is why she has made this gesture of love.

I angle my hips to give her better access to my most private of spaces and brace myself on the tub's edge with my arms. It is challenging to remain composure while she works her magic, but I manage, and soon, I am trembling with desire. She presses her toes into my mound, and they linger there as she moves her touch to the front of my thighs. I breathe deeply and slowly, ensuring my voice won't betray my excitement.

But I can't help myself. How could I hide how erotic it feels when she strokes the valley between my thighs? I want to stand before her, grab her head, and offer her a feast of my succulent pleasures! But I don't. Instead, I lean forward and rest my forehead against the tub’s rim, leaving my legs bare to her exploration.

Soon, I feel her fingertips as they press into the cleft of my sex. She is closer now, halfway across the tub, her hands in reach of my sex under the water's surface. But she is teasing me again, moving ever so slightly within my grasp. I grip tightly to the tub's edges, feeling the heat of her breath on my neck.

Suddenly, she plunges her fingers inside of me and gasps. I arch my back and moan loudly, letting my head fall backward as she delves deep.

"Oh!" I cry out, "Oh yes!"

She hums softly, and I realize that she is pleased by my reaction. For a moment, we both relax in the warm bathwater. Then she begins to work her fingers in and out of my depths, and I know that I cannot bear the sensation for long. I put my forearms flat against the side of the tub, leaning further back, giving her full access to my quivering body. My legs tremble as she probes me, and I buck uncontrollably.

She knows. She knows what I need.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I scream, pushing myself urgently against her probing fingers, "I want more, please, more, more—"

And suddenly, she withdraws her fingers, leaving me panting and frustrated. She smiles at me wickedly, and I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. She presses against me, teasing a kiss I desire so much I tremble in anticipation.

"You begged me," she whispers.

I stared deeply into the pools of her eyes. "You win, this time."

She grabs my hips and lifts me to the tub’s edge, pulling my legs apart. "Well, you are first."


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