Lanyth: Eyes Upon Me

 I sit here, your eyes upon me.

You stare and watch, 

eyes dreaming of impassioned lusts.

My breath is in the air you breathe; 

my words are on your lips!

Come! let us revel to our heart's content

— a night full of sweet madness, 

free from bounds and limits!

Do not fear — do not think! 

The past is gone, 

for I have taken it away with me into eternity

All its remembrances will melt like a dream within my soul! 

There is nothing left but joy and passion 

— there is nothing now that has been or can be!"

And so she spoke: 

then suddenly became silent,  

and sat without moving, 

save as her bosom rose slowly, 


heaving in the swellings of an agony she was powerless to repress.

How sweet the nectar from my loins?

How fast my heart doth beat when you draw near?

Oh, Gods! What pleasures are mine ever since first I met thee!

I am mad, insane with ecstasy — with love!

Why have these things come unto me?

Is it because this wild lust is all about me?

For I feel the kisses burning on my cheeks — thy kisses burning on my cheeks!

Then how came they there?

Have men set forth their passions thus in time?

Or did my senses make them up? 

Oh! say — oh! say —

Was it only dreams we dreamed together last night?

Yes! yes! ye loved me well — thou wilt remember still;

'Twas some strange frenzy seized upon our hearts at midnight.

No one heard us cry amid the clamor of the wind and rain:

We were alone — I thought thou wast asleep beside me!

Yes! My love — kiss me once again!

Once more! And yet a hundred times again!

Never couldst know what rapture is unless thou hadst felt the like;

Thy kisses send delicious shivers through my body — cold and hot by turns — sweeter than wine.

A thousand thoughts rush wildly across my brain — thy presence stirs them into life!

How lovely art thou in my arms!

How sweet is thine embrace!

My soul flies out from my eyes and touches thy soft cheek!

Ah! what bliss to lie within thy bosom!

To feel thy hand clasp mine! To see those lips which kissed mine own — whose touch burned with unearthly fires of love!

And then the kiss I gave thee — the first I ever stole, but nonetheless divine!

And we part, yet again, as I slip into the night.

A shadow, am I.

To you.

As we part.

And my heart becomes lonely again.


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