Greetings, My Friends!

The first post to get us started, let us begin this journey together.

On this blog, you shall find the stories I tell at the Maiden's Fancy to friends and listeners. I am always deeply honored by those who choose to be a part of my storytelling, I think you, and sharing my words is like sharing my love with you all.

This community has always been welcoming of my exploration of my creative side, and sharing stories is at the center of who I am as a creator and as a person.

Also note, stories published in in-game books are owned by Daybreak - so my work cannot be published in-game with player books. I am preserving my rights to self-publish, and work published here is under my control and usage rights.

And if you ever wish to hear the next part of the story told live some day, by the writer herself, please feel free to join us every Thursday, at 8p EST, in Everquest 2, on the Antonia Bayle server, and join the RP channels (/join RPLFG and /join RPEvents) to help find the venue.

Or reach out (/tell Kurzou, /tell Kianette, /tell Silvertune, or /tell Drulissa) for help, and we will get you to the right place happily.

We hope to see you there!


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